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    - The translation of your text (First name / Pseudonym) is carried out by us. The "Katakana" (Japanese writing symbols) allow writing in relation to a Japanese pronunciation of the text. Example "Quentin" becomes "Kuentin" pronounced "KU-E-N-TI-N" Written "クエンティン". The Japanese language does not have the same syllables as certain languages and therefore an adaptation will be necessary but all texts are translatable.
    - We will systematically send you the Katakana corresponding to the written text by message once the order has been placed. You will have the choice to modify personalization elements in response.
    - The sizes of the designs are adjusted by us. The smaller the first name, the larger its size may be due to a technical and aesthetic limitation. For this same reason, we recommend that for long first names, they be centered on the garment, especially for the design on sweatshirts.
    - You can, if you wish, choose the 3 separate colors for your sweatshirt, at your own risk all the same! You will not be able to see the result until delivery. Choose wisely.
    - From the moment of dispatch, there will be no refund possible for the manufactured product.
    - If the personalization elements do not comply (do not allow us to produce the product) a message will be sent to you within 1 day. If no response from you after 3 days a refund will be made.

    Your text in Japanese

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